Thursday 2 April 2020

Punjab Police Jobs 2020-Latest Police Jobs Today

Punjab Police Jobs 2020-Latest Police Jobs has been advertised here on this page of the seo Books Organic website. Govt Of Punjab Police Jobs will soon be advertised in newspapers of Pakistan as Chief Minister Punjab has announced on a local television to make reforms in the Police Department Of Punjab.
Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan if we talk in terms of population. To make law and order conditions in favor of the people’s Govt of Punjab Police Jobs Will be announced soon as it is decided by the Govt Of Punjab police jobs.

Details Punjab Police Jobs 2020 Govt Of Punjab Police Jobs:-

Punjab Govt Police Department will be equipped with the following equipment and police personnel.
  1. Govt Of Punjab Police Department Jobs of 10,6333
  • Constables
  • Assistant Sub Inspector ASIs
  • Sub Inspectors SIs
2. 500 New Petrolling Single Cabins.
3. 48 New Petrolling Vehicles For High Way Police
4. Completion Of Under Construction Police Stations Building
5. 101 New Police Stations Building
6. 600.000,000 PKR Of Funds is Allocation

Important Note Latest Police Jobs 2020:-

These jobs are not yet published in any of the newspapers. Just announced by govt Of Punjab Chief Minister. So Wait for the advertisement of Govt Of Punjab Police Department Jobs and get prepared yourself.

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4 Simple but Crippling Blogging Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them) 2020

Editor’s note: We all make blogging mistakes. Even editors of blogs like WritetoDone occasionally mess up! Often this is because we forget to KISS. KISS stands for ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. It’s not meant to be derogatory, as the first article in the series explains. Instead, it’s meant to be a way to check if you’ve built your foundations on solid ground, before you start getting all fancy 🙂 So here are 5 simple, but crippling, blogging mistakes to avoid…
Blogging is one of the effective ways of content marketing. Poor blogging can never generate great leads and thus your online business will suffer. In fact, your entire content marketing strategy will fail if you make these simple blogging mistakes:

1- Inconsistency

Blogging can give you some tremendous benefits but those who have generated thousands of leads through blogging have worked hard for it. Blogging can never give you the desired results if you are not consistent with your posts. Regular posts can bring back readers time and time again and will show your professionalism and dedication.
Regular posts mean a high number of visitors and thus there are more chances of generating high leads. Consistency in your blog posts is also imperative for high Google ranking.
We all know that besides having high-quality content, frequent posts are also essential for getting high traffic. Frequent posts do not mean that you need to post every day. You can post once a week, or two to three days a week, depending on your audience.
Selecting new and unique topics for your blog requires time and effort. If you are unsure about the best topics you can also use tools for generating blog ideas. One of the best is Hubspot. Hubspot helps thousands of content marketers generate great blog ideas automatically, thus saving hours of research.

2- Boring content

Many times readers start reading a particular blog post but then switch to another because they find the content boring. You need to keep in mind that readers are the main drivers of your blogging career. They have plenty of options on the internet. If one post doesn’t answer their question, they can easily switch to another. Thus, you need to give them meaningful content.
Make sure that the content is actually answering the problem the reader came to solve. Remember that a reader will only spend around 30 seconds on your post to see if it is worth reading or not. You need to grab, and keep, their attention immediately.
Freestyling is not usually the best way to achieve this. Instead look for proven formulas used by professional writers and bloggers. These techniques help in keeping the reader engaged from the beginning. One of these techniques is the APP (Agree, Promise, and Preview) technique for starting your article.
Start by agreeing with a problem you know your reader has, such as lack of time to write for instance. Then promise a tantalising solution, and finally give them a preview of how you are going to deliver that promise.

3- Writing short posts

In the past many successful bloggers wrote short posts. They are easier to write but can’t cover everything in detail. Today, readers want to read one post that answers their problem completely, rather than searching for other blogs and spending more time online.
If we look at today’s top bloggers, we can easily see that they write long content, around 2000 words or more. Google wants its readers to get maximum information, so it wants a detailed post with plenty of information. Thus, it gives a higher rank to detailed content in comparison to short content.
To make your content highly informative, you need to cover every angle of your reader’s problem. In a shorter version of your blog post, you can only state a problem and then jump to the solution directly. You do not even have enough space to give examples and screenshots of what you are talking about.
Try, instead, to provide a step by step solution to a problem. It’s ideal to use examples in each step and screenshots will make your post even more attractive to read and actionable.

4- Not knowing your audience

Many bloggers are well versed in writing unique and informative posts but they do not know their audience in detail. Content written for professionals is entirely different from that written for amateurs. Knowing the demographics of your audience is essential.
Similarly, the age group of your audience plays a key role. You can easily use Google Analytics to find out this vital information, and a lot more besides.

5- Adding irrelevant information

Keep in mind that your blog should be highly informative. It should be a place where readers can find maximum information in minimum time.
Many bloggers pad out their site by adding irrelevant posts. Remember, if your readers aren’t interested in it, it doesn’t matter how interesting, or important, it is to you. Don’t post it.
This is one of the mos common blogging mistakes, and one that can loose you a lot of readers. If you are struggling to find relevant topics to write about, you can use different online tools like Hubspot, Ubersuggest and Buzzsumo.

Avoid those crippling blogging mistakes

So, the next time you plan to write an post, make sure that it addresses a problem that your target audience is facing. Completely, and effectively.
It’s never too late to convert your blog into a conversion machine. Whether you are writing your own blog or freelancing for another, make sure you avoid these blogging mistakes.
If you write meaningful and comprehensive content by keeping your readers’ needs in the forefront of your mind, you will see a huge improvement in your online business.
Do you agree with the 5 tips above? Do you know another simple. but crippling, blogging mistake that you think should have been included?

10 Ways To Write An Irresistible Intro To Your Blog Post 2020

Imagine you’ve been invited to a party where you don’t know anyone.
You’ve come through the door, grab a drink, and stand there feeling like a pony with five legs.
Nobody seems to pay any attention to you.
After a while, you start sidling to the door in order to escape. Or maybe you tough it out and start ‘making conversation’.
Ok, so  this scenario isn’t much fun.
Here’s another scenario: You go to the same party. But this time, the host spots you hovering on the doorstep, guides you into the room, hands you a drink and shows you around, introducing you to the other guests.
That would feel a lot better, right?
The difference lies in the introduction.
In the first scenario, you didn’t feel welcome. Whereas in the second scenario, your host connected with you.
When you think of visiting a blog and reading a post, the experience is quite similar. If there is no introduction to the post you’re about to read, you may feel unwelcome and leave.
Because the headline promised a wonderful experience, but the start of the post didn’t match up.

What makes the introduction to your blog post irresistible?

1. Invite the reader in.

The reader will feel at home if he or she feels that their concerns will be met here. And that your blog is a friendly place to visit. One way is to address the reader directly.
Example 1
Do you feel insecure, anxious and doubtful about your writing? 
Do You Worry About Your Writing?|WritetoDone
Example 2
Does it ever seem like you have more adversity in your life than other people do?
As if everyone around you is having an easier time of things than you are?
You begin to feel sorry for yourself and think, “Why does this stuff always happen to ME?”

2. State a commonality.

When you state something that you have in common with your readers, you create an immediate bond.
Example 1 
We all seem to be getting more self-obsessed by the day. Turn on your TV or open a web browser, and narcissism hits you smack in the face — everything screams ME! ME! ME!
Example 2
Everyone agrees that fitness is good. It boosts your health, brightens your soul, calms your mind, and allows you to do more with your life.

3. Be personal.

Address your reader like a friend. A great way to do this is to tell a personal story.
Example 1
“Just one big idea. One big idea, and we can change the world.”
I made the mistake of uttering those words in the back seat of a car many years ago in the company of some older, wiser colleagues.
Example 2
I’m a big subscriber to using whatever you can find to work out: pullups on trees, throw big boulders, flip logs or big tires, jump over things, sprint up hills.
From: Minimalist Gym| Zen Habits
Example 3
Blogging has been very good to me over the last twelve and a half years, but it’s come at a personal cost that I’m sure many can relate to.

4. Be exciting.

Create a mystery in your introduction that then unfolds in the main part. When you use this strategy, you create a bridge from the headline (which should offer a promise) to the middle part – which delivers the promise.
The key is to intimate to your readers in the introduction what are you going to reveal to them in the rest of the article.
Example 1
I’m a psychiatrist… in training at least. The stories I have heard within these walls could fill a book, but there is one particular case that has caused me to lose sleep.
This story has plagued my mind for far too long. Typing this out is my feeble attempt to make sense of something my rational mind refuses to comprehend.
Example 2
Your headline is the first impression you make on a prospective reader.
Without a compelling promise that turns a browser into a reader, the rest of your words may as well not even exist.
So, from a copywriting and content marketing standpoint, writing great headlines is a critical skill. Here are some interesting statistics …

From: How to Write Magnetic Headlines | CopyBlogger

5. Offer the ‘why’ of your post.

Write about what triggered this topic in your mind, or in your life.
When I started the 8-Week Fitness Challenge, I had no idea what the response might be. I was amazed when about 100 people joined the Challenge! It seems that there is a quiet revolution in progress.

6. Lead with a story.

A personal story can be a great way to draw your readers into a post. Of course the personal story needs to focus on the key issue of your post.
Example 1
Naked emotions?
Like I felt when I finally gave up screaming for help.
When I sank to my knees and wept by the side of the stream, watching my horse about to drown–and unable to rescue her.
Example 2
When a young Turkish boy named Celal Kapan first began to speak, almost the first thing he said was: “What am I doing here? I was at the port.”
Later he told his parents that he had been a dockworker who had fallen asleep in the hold of a ship when a heavy oil drum fell on him and killed him instantly.
Was he remembering a previous life?
From: Is there Life After Death?| Goodlife ZEN

7. Ask questions.

A question that is unanswered feels incomplete. Questions intensify the reader’s curiosity. The key is to ask questions that the reader can’t answer without further information.
Example 1
Why is your prospect on the fence?
Example 2
Could it really be possible that almost everything you are doing to promote your website is a waste of time?

8. State facts.

Details increase the value of your post and boost your credibility. Use exact numbers if you can. Readers tend to trust numbers.
Example 1
In 1995, authors, experts and influencers sold $10 million worth of eBooks through Amazon. 18 years later that number has grown to $1.6 billion.
Despite the growth, something is changing…
Example 2
Sex may be a common topic in the US, but there are some facts about sex that most of the American population is unaware of.
For instance, cold feet is probably the reason for a lack of orgasm. A UK study found that 80% of couples wearing socks during intercourse were able to reach orgasm, but only 50% of those who were sockless were able to reach orgasm.

9. Use quotes.

Quotes are a great way to lead into your post. Everyone loves quotes. They are usually by well-known authors and through using their quotes, you are borrowing their authority.
If you use quotes supporting the main points of your post, this will increase the reader’s trust in you.
What unites us as human beings is an urge for happiness which at heart is a yearning for union. ~ Sharon Salzberg

10. Anecdotes.

If you can find good anecdotes, the introduction is a great place to place them. Anecdotes are short, punchy stories. Speech writers often lead in with an anecdote because it help the audience to pay attention.
Google just introduced customizable background images on their site.
Here’s what happened: “I need to search for someth…. wait, huh?
What is Google celebrating today, the guy who invented transparency? A background image, oh weird, it’s like a mountain view. Oh I get it… Mountain View!
I wonder who that woman on the dock is? Not a huge fan of big, busy images… too distracting. What other pictures are there? Yuck. Yuck.
Nice for a photo album, but too busy for this page. Meh, the colored background is ok, red… no, gray, yeah, gray.
Actually, maybe I want—Wait, I was supposed to be searching, how do I turn this off?
Wait, why does clicking remove background image just return the original picture of the woman on the dock, I just want nothing to be there. Argh!”


The introduction is a crucial part of a blog post. It’s a chance to connect with readers and encourage them to read your post. You may think that it’s common knowledge how to write a good introduction, but about 60% of all guest posts that land on my desk lack an introduction.
It’s not a difficult skill to learn; it just takes practice. A great way to learn how to write good intros is to try out all of the eleven ways above in turn.
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