Friday 27 March 2020

SEO Not Working in 2020? Learn How To Fix It.

SEO Not Working in 2020? Learn How To Fix It.

I’m doing everything as per my Knowledge of SEO but still stuck somewhere far from the success I heard about.
And at this point, I’m usually worried where exactly the fault is!
Why my SEO is not working the way it should be? 
Well, if you are a horse from the same race, you’ll probably regret if you wont read till the end.
I must say.
SEO is not tough, it’s just how we think about it.
One more thing before starting, what I am going to share.
I ain’t gonna write about:
  • Your content is of low quality.
  • You haven’t done good on-page SEO.
  • You have bad quality backlinks.
Rather I’ll tell you a few things you need to correct before all these technical issues.
Yes indeed, I use to call these technical aspects of SEO which can be learned and then corrected with the help of internet world.
So, whats it all about?
If I have to explain the whole concept in a sentence, i’d say:
Firstly, I am in need to correct my approach of SEO and then to dive into the technical stuff.
Let’s start shaking our concepts which we have developed, ,while following everyone in the market.

May Be SEO is Tough? Let’s Find Out

If you’ve paid a little deep attention on the starting of this post, you can probably have slight idea about what I am going to say here.
But trust me, I’ll share very cool concept and I am sure you’ll love it.
For a moment, simply assume that we are not being specific about SEO but talking in general about the toughness and complexity of anything.
How do you guys define the complexity of anything you work with?
What do you think?
Simply consider this question, an exercise.
And before reading further, stop for a while and save your answers in your mind.
Are you done with your mind grind?
Here is what i think:
Complexity and toughness of anything is a state of our mind. When we don’t have enough knowledge and information about a specific thing, we consider it tough for ourselves.
Another concept about it, is a lack of interest. When we are bored of something, we don’t wanna do it and end up calling it tough.
Hope you are upgraded now.
And a little secret is:
Nothing Is Tough
Now the very first thing is you need to refresh your concepts that SEO is do-able.
And of course, there are a lots of other factors that matter much.
Once you’ve believed in yourself, you’ll be good to go further.
Adding a little more to how to tackle with toughness, is start making things easy for you.
But the question is “How to do that?”
Its very simple:
Learn and practice more than you’re currently doing. A very practical approach is to note down your topical barriers and hardships which occur while you are performing a task.
The better you know what the problem is, easier it will be to find a solution and resolve it.
Now it’s all on you how you gonna do that.
Meanwhile let’s move to the next section.

SEO is not my field of interest, should I move on to something else?

There have been too much discussions about interest. If i am not interested in a particular thing, i wont be able to perform better.
 What to do in such kind of situation?
NOTE: Well i am not only going to state the problems, but to give you real sense of these concepts and sure; a way out of these.
Do you really agree when someone says “You should choose the field of your interest”
I bet you’d say “Yes”
And if you’ll ask me the same thing, i’d say “Yeah …. Sure, it is the best point unless i actually know what i am interested in”.
That’s a big problem indeed.
We often, don’t even know our actual interest and pretend to like whatever is the new hype. 
Do you know i can seamlessly write  10000+ words on a topic while a year ago, writing a 100 words paragraph was a real headache for me.
The question is “how did it happen?”
To answer this question, I often use to say:
Step out of the conventional thoughts that limit you and believe in yourself to get the job done.
And a big secret is:
Interest can be developed.
Lets workout to tackle with this mythical word “Interest”.

1. Find your interest

The first step is to find your interest.
It is very simple:
Your interest is what doesn’t bore you.
So, start an exercise to think and note down those things which you can do without getting bored.
If you are a newbie in internet marketing field like me, you can start learning about multiple skills at the same time like:
  • Web Development
  • Research
  • Content Development
  • SEO
Invest a little time in each and you’ll eventually find your pick.
Your interest is the one you’re enjoying to perform.
Once you’ve selected one thing, go beyond limits and you’ll find the success, knocking at your door.
Up-next tip is also very cool!

2. Develop Your Interest

That’s a real comfort..
As I’ve already shared that interest can be developed.
Pick anything, start learning and practicing.
Then learn more and more and even more.
Implement your learning and keep doing experiments and the time will come when you’ll start feeling professional.
On the same time, developing interest is actually a little tough as you have to risk your precious time and you may get depressed when you’ll be expecting great results within no time.
So, I’ll always ask you to stick with the first step (Find your interest) in starting.
Once you get glimpse of being interested in something, stick with that and give your ever best.
No doubt, your brain is the ultimate tool.
Must share in comments if you’ve figured out something cool about your interest while reading this post.
Let’s move on…

I’m expecting results in a nights time

Another big problem with the newbies.
Everyone of us wants overnight success.
We have no idea about what we are getting into and we expect to be successful like within a single night.
Revealing a little tough part of SEO, you need to do necessary analysis for every of your selected keyword.
Instead of directly looking at the link profile of your competitors, analyze their content manually.
Think on your feet’s about how much efforts do you need to beat the content. Think at different angles of your targeted keywords.
Analyze a number of variations of your keyword.
Similarly, you can dig deep in to the internet to find other ways of effectively analyzing your competition and then estimate the minimum time required to be on page one of the search engine.
Lets workout; with a little more practical approach.

1. Target multiple keywords at the same time and analyze your performance.

If you don’t have good concepts about analyzing difficulty of different keywords, i’ll suggest you to go through a few keyword research guides and a few tutorials may be.
Then select variations of your targeted keywords like:
  • With almost zero difficulty
  • With little more than zero difficulty
  • Medium level difficulty
  • Hard One
Remember, don’t worry about the search volume and CPC at this stage. Just focus on your manual difficulty analysis.
Now develop content on each and publish. You can try publishing on different blogs in order to stay safe from any kind of penalty.
Then start doing off-page may be and keep on analyzing how the things are going on.
And move to the next step.

2. Continue working and keep patience while analyzing your performance

It’s time to check your sites’ in SERPs….
Where are your keywords!
I am assuming that you know the basics of SEO, otherwise you can google for a number of practical guides. I personally prefer reading Google’s personal guide to SEO.
I mean why do i need to trust more on other analysts when Google is telling a lot by itself.
May be on a good day in near future, i’d like to review that guide by google to make it super easily understandable for every beginner.
You can share your feedback if I should do that or not.
Check stats like bounce rate, and reactions of people on social media.
Are you meeting expectations of your viewers.
Start outreaching for link building may be. I mean whatever you normally plan for your off-page SEO campaigns.
You can also find cool information about dofollow backlinks on BlogRex
Next is, start improving you content and link quality as per your previous analysis.
Experimenting would give you the best overview about how much time it will take you to reach first page.
Improvements will lead you to better results for sure. But make sure to keep patience and make wise SEO moves.
Let’s explore the next heading on improving our SEO.

I’m fighting with the wrong opponents

Do you think it’s okay to appear for an exam of PHD while you’ve just started learning the very basics of a particular subject?
How do think you’ll perform in such kind of situation?
Exactly! you can’t expect good results unless you’ve gone through the necessary subject learning and practicing.
Same is the case with SEO.
In early days of our SEO journey, we often make mistakes while analyzing keywords competition.
Sometimes newbies don’t even think about analyzing completion before targeting.  As a result, they unintentionally target very high competition titles/keywords.
Warning: Relying only on the tools (MOZ, ahref or any other etc) for keyword research is deadly for newbies.
I always suggest the beginners to clear their concepts first, about what they are going to do. 
Lets find out how to tackle with this problem.

1. It is a worldwide competition

This heading may scare you a little but you don’t need to worry.
Actually the story is not doubtful.
On early stages we don’t have much idea about the topic selection. We remain very straight forward to select our niche and then topics.
For example, everyone is saying that “Health” niche is very profitable.
So, I’ll jump into this thing and start blogging about “weight loss” the very first day of my website launch.
At the same time, the whole world is working on the same niche.
So you should do more research to target a topic on which less number of people are working. 
In short, you need to target low competition.
Try working with long tail keywords. These are relatively less competitive.

2. Look into your keyword’s difficulty, Manually!

I still remember when i was very new to SEO, i didn’t know anything about manual keyword difficulty check.
While it was the most important step in keyword research.
Let’s see what we can quickly adopt to win the game.
Target the topics with competitor’s having week SEO.  
There are a lots of keywords for which top ten results/competitors are very week in SEO. My personal niche is also one of them.
Invest more time on keyword research to dig them out.
Target the topics with unsatisfactory results.
Similarly as per the previous tip, there are topics for which the competitors might have good grip in SEO but may lag to answer the user’s query.
Google officials say that they have more than 20% queries with unsatisfactory results. The user’s don’t find what they are looking for.
If you have very good knowledge about a specific niche you can identify these queries easily by viewing top ten results in SERPs.
Next is:
It doesn’t matter how good your competitors have optimized their webs for search engine, you can knock them out if you can dominate the content relevancy.
Once again the major has been stated and next is your turn to take action wisely. You can also ping Team BlogRex for your in-depth queries.
Moving to our next section.

I’m not taking action

It is very good to have unlimited questions about SEO, but it is worst not to start working only for the reason that you don’t know answer to every question.
You cannot get answers to all of your question and queries unless you start working.
Human beings are naturally curious about anything. So is the case with a lots of newbies. They want to clear all their doubts before taking any action.
As a result they don’t start working or keep on making plans only.
PS: By they way, i personally like proper planning before start but i have good hold on myself to execute my plans as per my schedule.
But here the problem statement is:
How can you get results without taking action?
And the solution to this thing is pretty straight forward.
  • Learn the necessary basics and start working immediately.
  • Join helping forums on internet, specifically on social media.
  • Get connected with relevant community to clear your doubts about practical implementation.
  • Ask the community wherever you are stuck.
  • Make “Reading SEO” your routine.
  • Make “Reading your niche” your routine.
Once you’ll start working, you’ll start getting answer to all of your in-depth queries.
Let’s hit the next thing.

I am following outdated SEO

In the previous section of this write-up, i have suggested you to make routine of reading SEO.
The big reason is to keep yourself updated about the new and currently working methods for ranking higher.
In case you don’t know:
SEO is constantly changing. 
So, staying confident on the old tactics and SEO methods is clearly deadly.
I am not saying that old SEO is completely dead, but you should have the correct information about which method is still alive and what do you need to leave immediately.
Very common example is, keyword stuffing and high number of spam backlinks were very effective in the old days.
But now, the max you can get with these is a penalty and not any ranking boost.
And further, you might know better what is working and what not as i am still in learning phase.
Must feedback in comments if you can point out a few things to help out the community.

I am highly distracted

This section is very closely linked to “SEO isn’t my field of interest”
So, when someone gets into SEO just because of the hype that SEO is the future and will be your money making machine in near future.
By the way the hype is true.
But if you’re entering just because of this, I must say you are a distracted person. And you can probably divert to any next hype in internet marketing.
And the question is:
What to do now?
Firstly it is very important to make a final decision that you are actually going to work on SEO in 2020.
Next is to repeat the steps mentioned in the section “I am not taking action
You can also work on reducing your distraction by developing interest in SEO.
That too have been explained in “SEO isn’t my field of interest

Wrapping it up

I have tried to keep it comprehensive while maintaining a sweet length. I am sure you’ve read something valuable to share with others.
As always we are looking forward to your feedback for any suggestions or if something is till required to be added.

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