Friday 27 March 2020

YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide To Rank Videos in 2020  
YouTube SEO

YouTube is a huge marketplace and YouTube SEO is the pathway to be a winner in that market.
Being an internet marketer, you should never ignore its power.
Only thing you need to know is, how to rank YouTube videos.
Today, In this compact guide, I am going to share everything and…
…The best part?
You’ll get only proven YouTube SEO tips to rank number one.
Warning: This is the most updated and actionable guide. Read only if you want to get millions of views and subscribers to grow your business.
Not only for YouTube, but I’m also going to share how to rank YouTube videos on first page of google.
No matter what type of YouTuber are you, its for you either you are looking to sell your product or planning to earn from Adsense revenue.
Let’s right dive in.

#1. YouTube Keyword Research

YouTube SEO is actually a step by step process of optimizing your videos.
The first and the most important step is Keyword research.
What will you do in this step?
You need to collect right keywords for your video optimization process. Just make a list according to your niche and finalize your target keywords.
Because without the right keywords, YouTube SEO is incomplete.
Do you know?
Many keywords have good search volume in google while low in YouTube and some are vice versa.
Question is: how to find perfect keywords?
Here is the deal:
These are simple methods to find perfect Keywords for your campaign.

1. YouTube Suggestions

The simplest way to find keywords is YouTube Suggest.
You just need to do is open YouTube and enter your main keyword in YouTube Search.
Even before you complete typing your query in the search bar, YouTube will display many search suggestions related to your query.
For example, let’s say you wanna make a video related to tie a tie:
YouTube Suggestion keywords are the best as they have very high Click Through Rate (CTR).
Even I don’t type complete query when I search on YouTube or Google. I’ll probably click on one of the suggestions.
And I even have a best part in this section.
I’m going to show you my Golden tip to use YouTube Suggest in advanced way.
Here you go:
Pro Tip: You just need to put an underscore (“_”) before starting a keyword and it will show you all the words people search before your keyword.
You can see in this screenshot:
YouTube SEO Keyword Trick
Want more?
You can even use an underscore (“_”) at the end or in between if your keyword contains more than one word.
From these methods, do multiple tries with different keywords related to your topic and add all suggestions to your list of keywords.
Let’s move on to the next method.

2. Find Video Keywords

One thing is to rank your video in YouTube and the next level is to rank your same video in Google Search Results.
If you’ll be successful, you’ll get 2 to 6 times more views on your video.
Isn’t it exciting?
This is exactly where “Video Keywords” come into the play. You only need to find these golden terms and insert to your YouTube Video.
I’ll show you how to add these keywords in your YouTube video for SEO purpose, in the later part of this guide. But first we need to find these.
When we search some keywords in Google we usually get websites in SERP.
But for some keywords, when we search them in Google we get videos along with websites in search results.
These are Video Keywords.
More number of video results means more video friendly keyword.
Just for example:
Here is how you can find them.
Simply use below mentioned words with your topic.
  • Keywords starting with “How To”?
  • Reviews
  • Tutorials
  • Keywords with the word “Video”?
  • Songs/Movies
  • Watch
For example:
How To Keyword Example
Also check this:
Video Keyword Example
Now, it depends on you.
I mean do experiments while using above mentioned words along with your niche to make some video keywords.
You can even use Google Ad-words keyword tool to get more ideas.
In your list, keep video keywords marked for different topics.
At the time of video optimization, you need to use relevant video keywords for each video.
It’s not enough, so let’s find more.

3. Keyword Suggest Tool

Okay! there is a cool tool ( to get keyword suggestions for YouTube.
YouTube Keyword Tool
Just remember to select “YouTube” before entering your seed (main)  keyword in these tools.
You can generate massive keyword list and then filter the list according to your choice and your need.
Next method is pretty cool as well.

4. Video Tag’s Extraction

You know that If a channel is famous and their videos are getting organic views then it means their videos are properly optimized.
They have used proper keywords in their tags, which you can use to add in your list of keywords.
But how to get these Tags?
This is what I called “Tag Extraction
Here is how you can find.
Install Chrome Extension “Vidiq” to view the tags of channel.
YouTube SEO Tags Extraction
You can copy all tags and filter these to keep only relevant.
You can also search your topic in YouTube search bar and you can also use VidIq to view tags of top 5 or 10 video’s. One thing to make sure here is to search only relevant videos.

5. Google Trends

Google Trends is simple and contains tons of information to set-up our efficient predictions about user intention.
But do you know you can get keyword ideas related to your topic through Google Trends?
Let me show.
Just go to Google Trend and Search your topic and set filters as shown below.
After this you’ll get all data of keyword only in YouTube.
Scroll down until you see “Related queries” box.
Here you go:
Related Queries Box
You’ll find all other keywords which people also search related to your topic and you can use them in your videos to get more views.
These were the methods to build a massive list of keywords for YouTube and some video keywords.
I hope you can have your lists ready for further action.
More to go…

Find User Intention of the keyword

I hope you all know that User intention of a keyword is the real game.
So I would say, go as deep as you can to predict user’s intention before starting any type of SEO or internet marketing work.
All level up SEOs know that finding user’s intention of a keyword is lot more important than looking for its search volume.
Now the thing is how to play with that thing?
Its quite simple just explore any term/keyword and change the search type from “Web Search” to “YouTube Search”.
Here is the graphic for clear understanding:
It shows either people searching on YouTube have any interest in your target keyword or not.
Simply stating if it’s a video keyword or just another written content friendly term.
These displays are clearly indicating that “smart watch” is a web content friendly keyword while “How to tie a tie” is a pure video keyword.
You can repeat this practice for your list of keywords to check if they have any potential or not.
And there is a lot more in trends.
You can try exploring your keywords for different locations, try changing location from “World Wide” to “(Any where you want)”.
Take a look at this:
It will show you who your target audience is and how much they are interested in your niche.
In this one, you can see interest breakup of audience from different locations.
For example, “How to tie a tie” will attract more visitors from Canada & USA as compared to any other region.
And what about if you want to know more about your target audience.
Same like above two processes, now its time to change category to figure out what type of audience is more interested in your target keyword.
I am selecting “Beauty & Fitness” for my example keyword.
Try checking and comparing results with different options and i am sure your keywords research techniques will level up automatically.
And what is the last thing in YouTube Keyword Research?
You need to check keyword ranking difficulty.
Caution: If your channel is new or don’t have much authority, it’s recommended to target only low competition keywords.
Now the question is how to check which keyword has low competition?
Here is how:
Just search for your keyword or topic in YouTube.
For Example:
YouTube Search Bar
Now just check the number of results, It is the amount of videos which are present on YouTube related to your keyword.
More Number Of Results >>>> High Keyword Competition
So, before selecting a keyword just check the number of results in YouTube and try to choose a low competitive keyword.
There is no exact number of results to indicate keyword competition percentage.
Number of results vary with keyword group for different niches.
You have to check for relevant number of results according to your niche.
I mean you can not compare number of results for two keywords from different niches.
For example, if “cheap cars in USA” has 1050000 results and “cheap computers in usa” has 313000, it doesn’t mean that “cheap computers in USA” is low competition while the other has high.
I’ve also noticed another interesting thing about number of results.
YouTube shows different number of results for same keyword depending on your location.
This means, if you are not in USA and logged in to any of your google accounts, you will not get the competition overview in USA.
YouTube might show less results for your location.
This thing is good in terms of Local YouTube SEO.
Now i think this is more than ENOUGH in YouTube Keyword Research.
You can find more details in our keyword research guide for websites which is generally very helpful.
Let’s move to our next chapter.

#2. Focus on Audience Retention

This part of the guide will tell you about the importance of your “FOCUS on Making YouTube videos“.
I mean why you should do that and how can you do that effectively.
Also this part comes right after selecting your target keywords.
Not to forget, Audience retention is one of the most important YouTube video ranking factor.
Even if you have to choose between “number of views on your video” & “audience retention”, go for the 2nd one as its way more important.
Now lets take a little deeper look into this term…
In terms of  SUD (Simply understandable definition), Audience Retention is how much (till how long) is a user watching your video? And whats more important, you should keep an eye on this factor.
If you know people are leaving your video at an early stage of its starting, it means they are watching something low quality, less interesting or of no value to them. And this is a signal for you to make some improvements in your video content.
According to YouTube Blog:
If viewers are watching more YouTube, it signals to us that they’re happier with the content they’ve found. It means that creators are attracting more engaged audiences.
In short, engaging video means high ranking.
Let people watch your video and make them spend more time on YouTube.
Before we move a step ahead in this chapter, let me tell you an interesting thing.
You can check audience retention in two different ways:
  1. Absolute Audience Retention
  2. Relative Audience Retention

Absolute Audience Retention

It shows the percentage of views for every moment in video.
Percentage of views at every moment of the video. Take a  look at this:
Absolute Audience Retention
If your video is not what your viewers are looking for, they’ll probably drop within first 15 seconds. So pay very close attention till this moment.
Once again its your turn to improve your video for better results.

Relative audience retention

It is the ability of your video to keep viewers watching compared to other videos that have the same length.
Let me simplify above definition:
If people are watching your video for longer duration, as compared to other videos of the same length, it means your video has high “relative audience retention”
Looking at the graph, if it shows over 50% relative audience retention, your video is doing better.
Above info was pretty interesting i must say, but the real thing is how to get better at audience retention?
Let’s talk about some valid practices that can be helpful.

#1. Tease Your Viewers

Just like teaser of a movie, which is usually shorter than the trailer, you need to tease your viewers and eventually make them stay longer on your video.
For example:
Let’s say you are working on a video about weight loss.
For better engagement you can say something in starting like, “I’m going to reveal a shocking tip about weight loss later on”.  That might not sound promising, but surprisingly it still works.
Your viewers will be curious to discover what exactly the tip can be!
Let me show you a few more examples of “video teasing”
Can you think for a while about news channels and programs? They use this strategy a lot.
Also in TV series, if you’ve observed deeply, the ending of almost every episode is a great teaser.
And what do you think about..
“coming soon”, “after the ad”, “in next episode”
I mean there is too much teasing due to which we don’t ever think about missing any moment of different videos.
Have you started thinking about your upcoming video teasers?
You’ve clearly understood the concept if your answer is “Yes” to the above question. If “No”, then I must ask you to start right now!
By the way, Not totally right now! First completely read this post as I am going to share a lot more practical stuff about video ranking methods which will simply upgrade you current YouTube SEO level.
Let’s learn the next pick.

#2. Get To The Point

I wont be wrong if i’ll say that more than 80% of your viewers are like always in a hurry. You’ll lose them if you are making boring content loops.
People now a day’s cant be attentive for longer duration. So it’s on you to make them watch your video by getting to the point on the right moment.
Practically you can do it with a valuable starting and telling your viewers what exactly they will get from your video content in early seconds.
Another TIP you can put into practice, try assuming as if your every viewer is coming to watch your video for the first time in their lives. That kind of mindset will make you think more about high retention.
Must share your view if you’re already getting to the point quickly in your videos.
Let’s move on to know further…

#3. Keep Your Content Focused

“Focused on a point” simply explains this point.
Let’s say you’re working on one niche and targeting video topics out of your scope, you won’t get any considerable engagement.
So when you are starting new or doesn’t have that much channel authority, make sure to stay focused on your niche relevant topics.

#4. Comparing Your Audience Retention

Can you figure out how “comparing audience retention” can give you better results?
Let’s say on an average, your video retention is 37% but for one particular video it is 73%.
You should take a deep look at that video to find out “how that video has better engagement as compared to other videos?”
May be it’s shorter than other videos. Whatever your observations might be, must analyze them and implement on other videos.
You’ll see serious improvement.
Here is how you can check and then compare audience retention.
Absolute Audience Retention
One think to keep in mind here is, don’t cross compare your video retention. I mean comparing video retention of weight loss niche with entertainment game-play videos isn’t a good idea.

#5. Screen Changing

This is extremely simple and useful method to increase engagement. I mean the only work to do here is to plan screen transitions while making videos.
Be it an animation video or a mobile review, if people have to look at one screen all the time they will not like it.
Change the screen and you’ll see improvement.
For example, if you are explaining something in your video, you can backup your explanation with relevant scene or animated display etc.
Remember! just don’t overdo the thing and you’ll be good to go.

#6. Try To Make Short Videos

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of this point as well.
Even if you’ve not created any video before, you can tell that shorter videos are more engaging as compared to longer ones.
Once again i’ll say that viewers are always in a hurry and they’ll take no time to go away from your video if it gets boring.
Moving up to the ladder, once you’ve built authority and made some real fans, you can start making longer videos even. But make sure not to lose the interest of your audience.
Looking at the short videos practically, if a viewer watches one of your videos completely he will probably click another of your videos.
It mean high retention.
And there is one more thing, shorter videos means less effort required to make even.

#7. Link To A Playlist

Another way to make viewers keep watching your videos, link to a playlist.
If a video ends, next one in line should start playing. You’ve not done this yet then do it now.
The more they will watch your video’s the better will be your session watch time.
Which will clearly improve your video ranking.

#8. Thumbnail, title and introduction

Thumbnail is normally the first impression of your video. Make it as much cool as you can.
It should be “click persuasive”.
Up next the title of your video should strongly back up your thumbnail. A sexy combo of these two things can make viewers not to go away without click on your video at the very first moment.
Apart from being attractive, introduction of your video should tell the viewers what exactly is in it.
Let’s head over to next chapter.

#3. Create a Awesome Video

How do you describe a perfect video in your words?
According to me, if i may creatively define a Perfect Video for YouTube:
It is nothing more than a user engaging video with extreme relevancy.
I know there are a lots of other things like video quality, run-time and all that stuff.
But all these things are second priority and can be done like with a push button.
Hope you’ve understood how to go with your video making.
Now why do you need a perfect video?
I don’t think i still need to answer this question, but only for you guys…
Because “User Experience” is everything.
If your viewer is happy with your video content then trust me no one can stop you to be on 1st spot.
Use some Professional Effects and Visuals to increase the user Experience.
Let me show you one sample video.
Arvind Rana Video
Did you see that?
Not even close to boring video, in-fact effects were keeping you engaged.
Some technical parameters to evaluate a perfect video are as under:
  1. CTR
  2. Engagement
  3. Watch Time
Once you’ve started getting good signals from these parameters, trust me you’ll be very close to hit #01.
Let’s just dive into these to learn more interesting and extremely important things.

1. CTR

CTR is very straight forward parameter, but it also needs experiments to grow.
It is very directly dependent on these two things:
“Title Of Your Video” & “Thumbnail”
If you keep these things attractive, your CTR will rise.
You will know more about these in next sections of this guide.

2. Engagement

Engagement comes with user’s interest only.
Well if you believe that, you need to modify your thoughts from now on.
Engagement of a topic or even web content is very closely linked to “How you present it” & “Your content values”
By content values, i mean how valuable information you’ve embedded in your video.
If you can learn the trick to keep a user curious about every next minute of your video, you will get maximum possible engagement.
And its very simple indeed:
Just share the right information at its best time in your video.
While trying to keep your content engaging, make sure you provide your user the value of his time spent on your video.
Simply stating, a user should watch complete.

3. Watch Time

For how long a user watches your video, is it’s watch time.
A clear point is you need to increase this to improve ranking of the video.
Here is how you can do it:
Simply stating, create long videos.
Let me give you an example…
You and your competitor are working on same keyword.
You both post videos with somewhat same level of user engagement and video quality.
Your Video’s Length is 5 minutes and his Video’s Length is 10 minutes.
Then his watch time will b 4X more than your’s and his ranking will also improve.
Because Watch time is the most important ranking factor in YouTube algorithm.
YouTube Said “Pay close attention to the first 15 seconds of every video — that’s when viewers are most likely to drop-off.”
If a user drop here and you’re ranking good on a video then your ranking will start falling.
Reason? Less Watch Time.
So Try to focus on your every video’s first 15 second.
Now, Move to next Chapter.

#4. YouTube SEO Optimization

Just in case, you couldn’t get it from the title, this part of the guide is about making your video technically optimized for YouTube.
This is so much important that if you ignore, it can be red alert for ranking of your videos.
One more thing, you don’t have to be a geek or extremely technical to perform this optimization. By the end of this chapter, you’ll be able to optimize your videos against specific keywords.
As a result it will be ranking higher for targeted audience.
I’m going to explain it all in easy steps.

#1. Video Title

Do you think it is as simple as i say, place your keyword in your video’s title.
End of discussion, Right?
There is more to it when we talk about actual optimization.
Adding a flavor of marketing in your title is what makes it super optimized. I’m going to share how exactly you can do that.
There will be numbered points.
  1. Why should you optimize your video’s title: It is one of the first impressions of your video. There is no doubt that your viewer will check it and then decide either to click and watch your video or not. Remember that “Thumbnail” is also the first impression of your video. WE’ll talk about it shortly.
  2. What should be inside the title: It should contain a clear and concise interpretation of your target keyword. Viewer should be able to find what’s inside the video by just reading the title. You can even use exact keyword in your title but make sure it should be user friendly. Avoid keyword stuffing.
  3. Keep your title attractive, relevant and on-topic for better CTR: Don’t ever go off-topic and make your title click friendly for better click through rate.


Let’s say your target keyword is “How to do SEO”, I can recommend below titles:
  • SEO Tutorial For Beginners 2020 | What Is SEO and How Does It Work?
  • SEO for Beginners: How to rank high in Google

#2. Video Thumbnail

Thumbnail is one of the most powerful factor for video optimization. Even a thumbnail doesn’t directly tells youtube to rank your video, but it surely forces your viewers to click on it and watch what’s inside.
I am it’s common sense if your viewer isn’t clicking on your video because of low quality or irrelevant thumbnail, what’s the point of optimizing it anyway. All of your efforts will be in vain.
So let’s see how to optimize a video’s thumbnail.
The points i have explained about video title are equally important for thumbnail.
I personally recommend to use custom designed thumbnail for your videos. You can even add your title text in it. That will increase CTR.
Remember that YouTube require a certain verification for using custom thumbnail.

#3. Video Description

Description of your video talks to YouTube and Google and tell em to rank it for your target keyword and its variations.
When we talk about on-page SEO of a website or blog, content is the most important thing which interacts with google’s ranking algorithm. It develops the very initial relevancy strings for your target keyword.
Same thing applies in case of description of your YouTube videos. Optimize it like you make an intro of your blog’s article.
Apart from that, it’s a place where you can get leads for your marketing campaigns.
Let me explain the practical aspects of writing a description which can give you best results in ranking as well as getting more sells.
  • Use your keyword in description: Simple and straightforward, use your keyword or the closest variation to briefly explain what’s inside the video. Next, use keywords within first two to three sentences. It weighs way more in ranking as compared to using keyword in the later part of your description.
  • Links to your blog/product or process: Link to your extremely relevant resource no matter its an affiliate product review or your web’s main page. The link isn’t limited to one and you can add other resources which are necessary to justify your video.
I mean when YouTubers say, check the link in description for my guide or whatever it is.
Caution: Don’t try to go off track with these links.
  • Make it at least 200 words full of engagement: Video description place is where your viewers will get to your money site or product page.
So apart from optimizing your description for search engine, pay close attention to make it engaging.
Just like a healthy blog post, write in small paragraphs and use bullets and numbering where suitable. There is no lower end limit but still try to write more than 200 words.

#4. Video Tags

Tags are equal to the context of the video. If you put right tags in place for your video, it can do wonders.
This is probably the last part in on-page YouTube SEO.
Another interesting fact about the number of views on your videos is that, most of the views are due to your video placed in suggested videos at the right side when any other video is playing.
And tags are one of the major transporters to show your video in the suggested column when something related to your niche is already playing.
Now let’s see what tags to use for your video:
What Video Tags: Tag your videos with relevant words and keyword which are not more than three words in length.
Collect a bunch of such words which can collectively describe your video in terms of the meaning of user’s query.
Select 8 to 10 from the list which must be very closely related to describe the intentions of your video content.
Let’s now make your channel a brand.

#5. Channel Branding

Don’t create a YouTube Channel, create a Brand.
Well…! You may rank videos without  taking any type of care about developing a brand.
But to grow unlimited, you have to focus on developing a YouTube Brand.
And once again, there is no rocket science evolved.
All it takes is hard work, dedication and interest.
Hard work plays a vital role even if you have lack of interest in your selected niche or topic.
Let’s see a bit more in detail about how to do that?

1. Setup Your Content Focus

Have you ever noticed that brands put extreme focus on limited categories at a time.
They don’t deviate from their core selection and that’s what makes them successful.
Well there are multi-category brands as there are always some exceptions.
You can think of something like a clothing brand, as an example.
Same stands true for YouTube channels.
Content or niche focus is most important when we talk about developing a YouTube brand.
Work hard, do deep research and keep on making awesome videos on your topic.

2. Develop Fan Following

If you’ve concentrated on the first step, you will automatically develop a strong fan following.
You can also call YouTube Subscribers as your fans.
Keep your fans engaged and give them a value.
You can also do that easily by:
  • Developing topical relation with your fans
  • Responding them in comments
  • Accepting compliments and critics to improve the quality of your channel
  • Extending outstanding support with your videos

3. Brand Icon Recognition

So you’ve developed a brand without any identity?
It doesn’t even go that way.
Give it a name and then do following:
  • Get a unique and attractive logo
  • Use a profile picture on your channel
  • Use a channel art on your channel
  • Link your channel with your relevant blog and social media accounts
Hope you’ve got all the points about branding your channels.
This was extraordinary step to increase your channel’s trust in the eyes of YouTube.

#6. Video Promotion

Well, YouTube SEO is incomplete without Video Promotion.
Do you really think writing a complete chapter about YouTube Video Promotion is a fare trade?
I mean is it really that important?
Yes it is equally important as any of other chapters of this perfect guide.
YouTube SEO is incomplete without it.
And i don’t want to say anything more in its favor.
Just consider it and plan your video promotions even before posting on YouTube.
One more thing as soon as you start promotions, it becomes a ranking signal for your videos.
Simple Like:
Video Promotion = Social Sharing = Higher Ranking
Okay now?
I hope you know a lot about how to do promotion.
But who cares, as i am still going to write each and everything in my way.
Here is how and where to promote:

1. Attack Facebook Pages & Groups

I don’t really mean to hack Facebook or anything like that.
You can promote your videos on Facebook.
If you are thinking about Facebook Pages & Groups, you are damn right.
Like if you’re publishing a video on Subway Surfer Game, then you can search for Subway Surfer’s pages and groups.
Its soo simple!
Just look at the picture below:
You can promote your video by commenting on the page.
FB Page
Pro Tip: Use Attractive Taglines and Thumbnail for better CTR and Good Traffic.
Same method stands applicable for Facebook Groups even.
You can post your video links in Groups.
But make sure to avoid spamming at any cost!
Up  next is Reddit…

2. Reddit Gives You Premium Viewers

This is something HUGE…
Reddit is a social network, full of people from Premium Countries like USA.
Don’t tell me that you don’t know the value of traffic from US.
You just need to increase your Reddit Link Karma and then post your videos in Sub-Reddit.
Reddit Example
What is Sub-Reddit?
It is same like a Facebook Group.
You’ll get very good traffic from Reddit. One of my all time favorite social websites.

3. Google+ Gives a traffic boost

Oh Yeah! Google+ is very good source to get traffic.
You need to find related Google Plus Communities and post your video link but again taking serious care to avoid spamming.
Well, you can use Twitter too. But I don’t use twitter that much so let me know if you’ve had a good experience with that as well.
TIP: Try to keep your video attractive as much as possible depending upon your topic. You can do research to develop informative videos with good amount of curiosity and that will surely increase user engagement level of your videos.
In other words.
Success of video promotion is directly proportional to its engagement and attractiveness.
Now lets move to somewhat YouTube Off Page SEO.


Lets get to link building of our videos just like we do off page SEO of our web page.
That’s why I often call it “YouTube Off Page SEO”.
And how you can build links for your videos?
Once again it is something like you already know how to do, but not doing it yet.
Yes…! You’d agree if i say “We often know a lot, but don’t try much.” I can bet, you can learn a lot by trying different things you know.
Anyway, here is the deal:

1. Web 2.0 Video Embedding

I’ve tested this method on my videos.
And It really works well.
You just need to create a web 2.0, then do a post and embed your video there.
Isn’t it a butter’s bite.
Example? Ah Yeah! Here it is:
But why this works?
Because Embedding YouTube Video is one of the most important ranking factor in YouTube algorithm.

2. Forum Commenting

Just like we use to do Blog Commenting for SEO, we can do forum commenting to rank our YouTube Videos.
Simply reach out some relevant forums and then search for your topical threads.
After that leave a normal comment there with your YouTube video embed.
Here is a perfect example.

3. Video Embeds By Outreach

I don’t know why i feel like you haven’t tried this method yet as well.
Because it’s about reaching out video embed-ders.
But first let me tell you “Who are Video Embed-ders?”
These are the people who have published content related to your video, on their websites.
This is the best way to get contextual video embedded links.
But how can you do this?
Here is the deal.
If you can remind, in Chapter #2 I showed you a video of Arvind Rana. Which is about Google Assistant.
You just need to search for articles related to Google Assistant.
You can use these queries:
intitle:”Google Assistant”and
inurl:”Google Assistant”
This query will show you all the posts which are on “Google Assistant”.
Just open the site, get their contact details and send them a mail.
Want my E-Mail template which I used?
Hello [Author Name],
How you doing buddy? I just read your Article [Article Title].
And it is more than Awesome.
But I think there should be a little more to make it outstanding.…
What can be better than a YouTube Video!
Well, I just wanna share that I’ve made a Video on same topic.
And i’d feel great if you wanna embed it in your post.
Here is the link: [Video Link]
Feel free to ping me anytime.
With Kind Regards:
[Your Name]

4. Quora Solves the Problems

Having trouble with anything?
You can give a quick try to Quora, and the community will get back to you with the best answer to your question most of the time.
If you don’t have any idea, Quora is a question & answers related social community.
But how this can be useful for your videos?
If you are developing videos with answer to some very important questions, which might be a trend on Quora as well.
It can be used for ranking as well as for traffic.
You can embed your videos on Quora.
You just need to search for your Video Relevant Topics on that platform.
Find some questions and answer them with an embedded video.
Here is the perfect example:
You know why I’ve mentioned this?
Google Knowledge Graphs show the direct answers of questions.
Any I’ve seen many knowledge graphs of Quora and also seen the videos which have been embedded with answers.
Think it’s too much for you to rank any video in YouTube.
Now don’t tell me you’ve applied all these things and still waiting for ranking.
Because i am sure, if you’ll work hard you’ll surely be successful.
Let’s wrap it up now.

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